How to set up a new Community Speed Watch group

Prior to starting a new group, please note Community Speed Watch groups are only able to operate in areas where there are 20, 30 or 40mph speed restrictions.

There is a requirement for any new team to have 4 team members and to register themselves online. One team member must be willing to take on the role of the Group Coordinator.  Prior to the online registration, the person wishing to be the group co-ordinator should first email speedwatch to advise the police of their name and contact details, and the area they wish to start a new team in.  After contact is made with the co-ordinator,  the new CSW team name will activated on the National Community Speed Watch website The group co-ordinator will be encouraged to register their information online and to ask the other volunteers to join their team.

4 members signed up

When you have 4 members signed up, we will ask the group co-ordinator to submit a site request for a location from which your team would like to monitor. This is done via CSW Online as well, and guides are available under the ‘Help’ tab. We will then risk assess this site for your safety and use.

Once your site has been authorised for use, and you have your minimum four online trained volunteers, we will arrange practical roadside training for you and your group members. At this point we will arrange to meet the group at your site, where we will provide you with your equipment and training.

After this you will be ready to start conducting Speed Watch sessions!

Thank you for your interest in joining Community Speed Watch. If you require any further information then please email Speed Watch.

Group co-ordinator

The controller of the group with access to creating sessions, requesting sites, requesting devices, reports, booking results, analysing results and taking part at the roadside etc.
