Operation Cheetah

Trying to avoid a speeding ticket is a criminal offence

Drivers trying to evade responsibilities for their road safety camera offence could be found guilty of perverting the course of justice. This is a very serious offence which can result in life imprisonment. Being convicted of this would give you a criminal record, which would affect employment opportunities, and travel to foreign countries. Points on your licence for a speeding ticket get removed after four years, whereas a criminal record for perverting the course of justice is permanent.

Attempting to avoid punishment for road safety camera offences could be done by:

  • falsely nominating another person;
  • falsely nominating a driver that lives abroad - we will check with your insurance company to ensure they were aware of the additional risk on your vehicle;
  • nominating people who do not exist;
  • nominating addresses identified as ‘incorrect or false’;
  • accepting an offer from someone who says they can dispose of your offence in exchange for money;
  • altering the appearance of the vehicle and claiming it has been cloned.

Devon & Cornwall Police has a dedicated team of police officers that investigate all correspondence in relation to motoring offences. Our team have access to a large number of police and commercial databases to be able to identify false claims. Once recognised, these are robustly dealt with through the court system.

Please read the FAQs Notice of Intended Prosecution page.

If you have further questions please contact the Road Safety Team on 01752 487701 or complete the 101 Non-emergency form and add that it is for the attention of the Road Safety Team Investigators
For further advice visit: www.visionzerosouthwest.co.uk
